Del Big Tree seems to be attempting a rational study of "chemtrails" and geoengineering through "freedom of information" requests and "lawsuits" directed at the relevant government agencies.
Their strangest finding to me so far is that, apparently, all you have to do to attempt to slow global warming through stratospheric chemical injections (planes and balloons) is registers what you are doing!
Global warming is accepted AS FACT justifying ANYTHING! FURTHER, the EPA allows injections of things like sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere which normally it demonizes and prohibits to the max!
Also, they seem to have exposed vast programs of military spraying. They admit their findings are very preliminary and incomplete at this time. They have no answer to the idea that real chemical spraying is hidden in condensation trails.
People have asked “Why doesn't anyone do anything about chemtrails if they are real.” Well, Bigtree is taking the painstaking steps that would be necessary. . .very expensive team of lawyers.
Link to Complete Del Bigtree Highwire Video:
GeoEngineering is happening, but they call it an "experiment" at this time so they can deny it is happening. Contrails are not geoengineering as they are just condensation and ice crystals. However, for all we know, chemicals, invisible from the ground, may be dispersed simultaneously. You cannot experiment to determine the effects of aerosol injections without actually doing it at on a scale required to produce a result!