"Everything Is Under Control" by Robert Anton Wilson
Wilson "Kinda" Endorsed A-albionic Research?
Apr 19, 2009#1
Everything is Under Control
by Robert Anton Wilson
The most plausible of the multi-conspiracy theories--i.e., those scenarios
that do not claim that one super secret criminal gang rules this planet, but
rather that at least two such "gangs" exist, at war with each other--comes
forth from an outfit styling itself A-Albionic Consulting and Research, in
Ferndale, Michigan.
A-Albionic began in 1985 with a common or garden-variety uni-conspiracy
theory, blaming everything on the British royal family--rather like Lyndon
LaRouche, who may have served as their original inspiration. In 1989,
however, A-Albionic revised their model of the world (yes, they actually use the
scientific word "model" and show other signs of some technical education). The post-1989
A-Albionic scenario holds that, in their own words (capitals included), "The
Overt and Covert Organs of the Vatican and the British Empire are Locked in
Mortal Combat for Control of the World."
A-Albionic traces this Mortal Combat back to the reign of the first Queen
Elizabeth, when Protestant-Catholic warfare raged all over Europe--the time
when the English, typically, made their pioneer scientific rationalist, Sir
Francis Bacon, a high government official, while the Vatican took their
pioneer scientific rationalist, Giordano Bruno, and burned him at the stake.
The British Crown and the Throne of Peter have continued to make war on each
other ever since, in this model, and every other "interest group," "trade
union," "association of manufacturers," Mafia family, international bank or
intelligence agency--everything that might qualify as a conspiracy in
anybody's mind--have all become puppets, unknowingly, in this megastruggle.
Thus, the Windsor Family Mega-Conspiracy manipulates a motley crew, which
A-Albionic sums up as "Comsymp-International Banker-Judeo-Masonic-Labour
Party-British Intelligence-SocialistInternational-Social Democrat-Fabian-
AFL-CIO-UAW-KGB"--the same unlikely bedfellows that appear
in many anti-Illuminati theories. The Vatican, on the opposite side of the
world power struggle, controls an assembly of "CIA-Fascist
International-Georgetown Jesuits-McCarthyite-Buckleyite-Knights of Malta."
(See Knights of Malta and P2.)
Duo-conspiracy theories, like uniconspiracy theories, often lead to logical
conclusions that seem bizarre to outsiders. Thus, the late Carroll Quigley,
professor of history at Georgetown University, appears as a member of the
Insiders in the John Birch Society theory, and these alleged Insiders, who
sound a lot like the Illuminati, all belong to the British Royal Family
Jumbo Conspiracy in A-Albionic's system. In fact, many right-wing theories
become compatible if one identifies Insiders with Illuminati and both with
international bankers (Jewish, Dutch, or whichever suspects you prefer). . .
. Ergo, Quigley was an agent of the Windsor Gang.
But Prof. Quiqley taught at Georgetown, which the Jesuits own, so this makes
him actually a tool of the Vatican conspiracy according to A-Albionic. He
had entered the Windsor-Insider-International Banker-Illuminati conspiracy,
A-Albionic says, but only to expose it. Quigley's book, _Tragedy and Hope_,
usually cited by right-wingers as "inadvertently" revealing the Insider's
plot for world government, had nothing inadvertent about it at all. The
Jesuits sent Quigley to spy out the enemy and publish their secrets,
according to A-Albionic.
This minor detail in the conspiratorial mosaic became a matter of passionate
debate among conspiriologists during the 1992 presidential race, because
Bill Clinton, in one speech, mentioned Prof. Quigley as a teacher who had
vastly inspired him in his youth. To the majority of right-wing conspiracy
buffs, this "proved" that Clinton worked for the Insiders, or the Illuminati or at
least the international bankers. But A-Albionic insisted on their own
analysis. If President Clinton really received inspiration from a Jesuit school, they
claim, then he has become a tool of the Vatican/CIA, or anti-Illuminati,
See also:
The Con, Princess Di's Death, Terra Papers, Yankee and Cowboy War