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Is "Cancel Culture" Just a Lefty Thing?

"...screaming and running for the hills with their hair on fire the minute that you are called out as anything approaching a racist."

N.B. This is another one of those articles that will make people uncomfortable, but my long-time readers will know that I must speak my mind, even if few want to hear it. Until recently, I was willing to ignore the nonsense from popular so-called conservative influencers on social media; but when they started justifying the killing of thousands of children (“they forced us to kill their children”) and pretending there was no ethnic cleansing in the Holy Land, they pushed me too far.

Ben Shapiro:

And then you combine that with the cancel culture and you come up with something truly ugly. So as we'll see, again, I'm just foreshadowing because you need to know where I'm going here.

Okay, the fact is that the cancel culture exists. It is extraordinarily ugly.

It's particularly ugly for people on the left, actually, because if you're on the right, like I know conservatives are not interested in cancelling other conservatives and they're not gonna go along with this.

If you're on the left, you probably will be cancelled because your own crowd is going to flee from you screaming and running for the hills with their hair on fire the minute that you are called out as anything approaching a racist.

That's the way that this works.

But the left is going to claim that because Trump mentioned cancel culture at Mount Rushmore, it doesn't exist.

Again, figment of your imagination.


And this from another founder of the Daily Wire, a few months ago:

“…we would not fire Candace because of another thing we have in common - a desire not to regulate the speech of our hosts, even when we disagree with them.”

Yes, sure; who bought that line? In reality, it was only a matter of time before Candace Owens was kicked out of their $200,000,000 media empire. It is surprising that she was hired in the first place, but her verbal fluency and tenacity were no doubt deemed to be useful in attacks against the wokesters, especially as a Black woman; however, she is an “uppity Black woman” (her words) and speaks her mind a little too much for the business we can call “Big Conservativism” (or, Big Con, if you like; not to be confused with communities of traditional folk who just want to be left alone by the ideologues and culture war warriors).

I don’t generally follow the nonsense and melodrama of Candace Owens and her friends, but I do remember when Owens upset Trump supporters for not letting him off the hook for pushing the vaccines (a position he has strangely doubled down on in this election year).

Let’s be honest, the whole “free speech”, or not “regulating speech” thing was never really true. These are tropes of a big business that relies on motormouth debaters who appeal to those on social media who think being “smart” is related to how many words one can puke in a minute at stupid kids with blue hair (is it any wonder that the leading figures in this area are lawyers, marketers, and the heads of multi-level marketing businesses?).

Big Conservatism is a business ostensibly catering to those who hate the cult of woke and those who feel they need salvation with a modern crusade for “Judeo-Christian Values” (not to be mistaken with the actual words of Christ, or the good bits of the Hebrew Scriptures, which don’t involve stoning people to death for worshipping another god, blasphemy, or gathering sticks on the Sabbath).

Big Conservatism has its big sponsors and they know how their bread is buttered. An “uppity Black woman” is not going to get in their way.

However, people are waking up to the fact that platforms branded as “free speech” platforms, there is at least one thing you cannot speak about: extremist Zionist Israelis. In fact, it is becoming mainstream in America generally to equate Zionism with Jewishness, and critiques of Israeli Zionism with hatred of Jews. Most politicians in Washington now believe this or say they do (more on their funding in a future article).

Few can prevail in polite society against their well-funded American propagandists and the hideous ADL:

“Sets off alarm bells” when a bad person praises you? Does the ADL seriously think that intelligent people won’t see this as classic “guilt by association” propaganda?

Apparently, the following video interview was one of the “final straws” for the Daily “Fact don’t care about your feelings” Wire, where Candace responds to some lies being published about her by Rabbi Barclay (I only managed 50 minutes before I had to puke at the patronizing cringe, sophistry, and manipulation):

It seems that this kind of questioning by Candace crossed the line with the powers that be; it wouldn’t surprise me now if the mega-funded US Zionist apparatus tried to destroy her whole career (see AIPAC and many other similar organizations, which I may return to in another article).

Incidentally, in that interview, Rabbi Barclay praises Rabbi Schumley (RFK Jr’s strange Jewish religious advisor), and here Candace defends herself against him too:

It appears that “Fact don’t care about your feelings” until you start criticising extremist Israeli Zionists. Then it’s just a matter of time before you lose your job; but don’t forget, in Big Conservatism or the Conservative-Business-Complex losing your job or being constantly harassed and smeared and made a social pariah is not “cancelling”. That’s only if the wokesters do it.

Of course, anyone who is truly concerned about the rise of Nazism (real) and Jew-hating (real), rather than just making money, will be the first to call out hateful and genocidally inclined Israeli Zionists, rather than getting in bed with them. Bibi and his goons are not the friends of Jews globally. Their actions are doing possibly irreparable damage.

I will say that Shapiro seems to have been consistent about one thing: he has always been consistent in his views about a final solution for the Palestinians:

…you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It's an ugly solution, but it is the only solution…

And, here’s the take of Glenn Greenwald, who is generally accurate in his reporting:

As for Candace, like Tucker, she is better off on her own (maybe not with the $$$, but with her conscience), and she knows it:

I really do hope she is free of those who seek to control her. But I would advise her to watch her back; you can’t just expose the power elites and expect to have an easy ride. They have $$$ and lawyers and media empires and propagandists. As Schumer said about the CIA, when Trump stepped out of line, “They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”

A big thank you to the 30+ heretics who support me in my work.

“If you’ve come this far, maybe you’re willing to come a little further.”


Further reading: